Guide: Safely store Akeeba Backups on a Hetzner Storage Box
An affordable alternative to the often used S3 cloud storages is a product called “Storage Boxes” offered by Hetzner. In simple terms, the storage boxes are a large storage facility on the Internet that can be accessed via FTP, for example, to store your Joomla data backups.
Create your first custom Joomla template: A practical introduction to template development (Part 3)
In the third part of our tutorial, we build the homepage of our fictional agency website and thereby learn how we can create blog layouts and give creative freedom with the help of custom fields and template overwrites.
Create your first custom Joomla template: A practical introduction to template development (Part 2)
In the second part of the series, we explain the basic steps in building a template and dive into the exciting world of template overwrites.
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